Monday, April 18, 2011

Two Views of Desgn-Extra Assignment Due April 18

Education plays a role in interior design but I dont think it plays a mjaor role. I don’t think you can teach someone the ideas and thoughts that someone might have. The logistics that came with learning from a school and classroom will defiantly help and benefit you, but if you don’t even have the creative thought you will get nowhere.  You can help spark ideas in someone but for those who naturally have it can learn the logistics as trial and error until they figure out what works and what does not. It is always beneficial to have education to further your profession but it’s not needed if you are skilled naturally and hard working to figure out the concepts you missed out on in an education. Credentials and experience in a design field are important. Experience more than credentials in my opinion. Not everyone can get on the map as being a top 5 designer in the world. You can be low key and do great work. Today it is who and not what you know. The credentials don’t have to be there for people who know people and for people who are low key for a bigger job need the credentials to proceed with it. Experience in the other hand is very important. If you don’t have experience in the design field you won’t be able to work diligently and create new ideas. Experience builds greatness, the more you know how things will turn out or work for yourself the better you can work. I think taking a holistic approach is the ultimate tool for a designer. If you can understand from the ground up you can understand where certain things can go and work around to compliment the structure. This is probably the most important thing in my eyes. This could really make something great even greater because you worked with the littlest things that people don’t see or realize because there the background of the scene. Life experiences and skills bring a lot to the table for a designer. Knowing knowledge from jobs such as painters, carpenters, etc. can really help benefit a designer. Life skills such as being a mother can benefit a designer into making a nursery.  If you’re younger you can maybe help younger couples building a house by relating to the younger age of design.  Media in the role of interior design almost makes it seem as though they aren’t really needed anymore. They make people feel as though they can do a lot on their own when really an interior designer is more qualified in more in depth aspects than a person with no background can even think of.

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