Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Unit Summary 1

                This past unit we learned a lot of concepts that showed us how some of the earliest structures had great effects on our world today. We touched based on buildings, spaces, objects and places. More concepts are stacks, circles, grouping, and how these were applied to structures. It also showed us why these were built the way they were and how it still exist in our world today. There are many examples to express buildings, spaces, objects, and places. Almost everything you look at in this world today can be related back to one or more of these. One good example of buildings is the structures we use for shelter. Spaces are the spaces we around us like landscape or the space inside of buildings that we use for different reasons. Objects are the things that are present in the spaces or buildings that we are in. Objects are everywhere along with space. Places are those areas where space, buildings, and objects are held. These four concepts are the symbols we refer to with how the world is lived and the things that are on the world for living organisms.  Other concepts that we learned this unit were stacking, grouping, and circles. Stonehenge was a good example of circles because of the way it was designed. The circles were formed to show how the earth revolved with the sunrise and sunset. Stacking is another concept that is shown well through buildings with columns. Columns are a form of ways to stack layers for buildings. The coliseum is a good example because they figured out a way to stack layers to make a valley like structure for events. It was easier to build up then have to find valleys already in the earth. They stacked layers upon layers for seats and other amentias for the coliseum. Columns also did a good job for stacking because it allowed for support to stack upon another layer, but it also gave it an elegant look as well. A good example of grouping is the Forum Romanum. This is a good example because the forum is where a lot of people will gather. To put the important things in the middle and group buildings around that is a good way to gather a lot of traffic flow. Another good example is parking garages. Parking  garages are in the middle of heavily populated areas to park. They group buildings around the garage so that it is convenient. Routes and proximity is another concept we talked about. Rome was a good example of how routes were used. They had a barrier around the land for Rome. Within the walls there were roads at an axis of north, south, east, and west. This was to make it easy to travel within the city. They also put the coliseum close to the city but on the outside because it was so big and important at this time. Form, axis, and materials are also important with all these concepts. The shapes and forms of the buildings are important to how it looks and the purpose of the building. Columns are giving it form as well as the circles that are inside of it to form a focal point. Materials are important because of what the building is made out of. Tile, stone, marble, glass, all of these can tell you what the purpose of the building was and what point the materials are trying to tell you of how the building is perceived to people. And last but not least axis. Axis is pretty important because it almost acts are direction to buildings.  It is almost like a road within to show you where to walk and guides you to certain areas to go. There are a lot of ideas within this unit that are the foundation for how we perceive the world today. Just because it is old doesn’t mean it won’t pass on throughout the years.

Shows grouping of important buildings.

1 comment:

  1. good links to the present. watch overall length as you should take full advantage of the requirements for the assignment
